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Article: Dress It Up Dressing

Dress It Up Dressing

Hello! Happy Monday! Feeling over-stuffed and over-shopped? I have the perfect remedy...


Specifically, salad dressed with glamorous vinaigrette made by Dress It Up Dressing. Not only are these simple yet richly delicious dressing recipes the perfect accessory for arugula but they come packaged in beautiful jars with my illustrations on the labels.

Sophia Maroon, the driving force behind Dress It Up Dressing, launched the company with her mother's famous dressing recipe. When it came time to find an artist to design the packaging she remembered the little girl she had once babysat had grown up and become an illustrator... me!

We reconnected over a love of New York City, her memories of my mom and dad as young parents and of course our shared interest in healthy, fashionable living.

We both feel that an appreciation of fashion often goes hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle. Women who care about how they adorn themselves also care about how they care for their bodies by choosing fresh, natural foods. Or, in other words, if you want to buy that dress, you'll want to be able to zip it up! The more we brainstormed about the connection between style and salad the more excited we got about the design for her labels.

Sophia and I worked together to create combined images of my illustrations with food photographs taken by her father, the photographer Fred Maroon. Aren't they cool?

As Sophia says, "Dress It Up Dressing allows her salads to be beautifully dressed even on the days she isn't!"

Shop for Dress It Up Dressing on Sophia's new site or at Whole Foods.

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