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Article: domanatrix perhaps?


domanatrix perhaps?

I know what your thinking, I've ruled out the ugly funny costume ideas so far. I must be heading towards sexy nurse right? Time to buy a children's XL costume and some thigh high stockings? Meet me at the tanning salon and then we can go get our stethoscopes and fake eyelashes? Or perhaps something a little darker? But sadly no, I cannot pull this off. Something about all the freckles really just makes me totally non-threatening. I do have one wonderfully dangerous friend who manages to work form fitting leather and red lipstick into her wardrobe year round, and if I've learned anything from her predisposition to violent biting it is that acting the part is of utmost importance. If you don't feel at home being seductive, don't bother trying on the bustier. The search continues...

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The Sketch Book

partys heeereeeeee

I'm still soul searching, the perfect Halloween idea is out there just waiting for me to realize it. So for now, another idea I can officially nix is... SNOOKIE! As much as I love her to pieces ...

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blair waldorf

royal pouf

this morning on the today show, or as i like to call it the lady show, everyone was all in a dither about the possibility of a wedding between prince william and kate middleton. so naturally, bei...

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