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Article: its beginning to look a lot like pre-christmas!


its beginning to look a lot like pre-christmas!

what an exciting time, the pre-holiday season holidayness starting to pop up everywhere. insanely early twinkle light and wreath displays, blaring christmas tunes in mid november, ahhh i love it. there is something deliciously wrong about accidentally stumbling upon 'white christmas' on the radio before thanksgiving. (i immediately switch back to listening to G6 because i promised myself i'd wait till after turkey day for these sort of indulgences)... its like the thrill of peaking around the house for the hidden presents, hoping you'll find them but also sort of hoping you wont. anticipation is the best. pre-christmas is one of my favorite times of the year, almost more so than the actual christmas. so merry pre-christmas (the time period formerly known as thanksgiving week) i hope you all are as excited as i am! ps. this is a subtle reminder that pre-season is the time to get your commission requests in to me. if you are interested in custom christmas gifts, talk to meeee lets get started! pps. buy a print!

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fur vests

bear hug

is anyone else worried about attracting unwanted attention from local wildlife this season in their fur vests?

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2011 Calendar

Thanksgiving Weekend Sale

Happy Thanksgiving Eve! This year front-loading washers and dryers aren't the only things you can get for a bargain on Black Friday. Yes, I am officially having a SALE! 40% off EVERYTHING. And no...

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