happy birthday lizzy!
lizzy is not turning 3 as this sketch might suggest. but in the time i've know her i've seen more adorable baby pictures of her than i have of myself. and for good reason, she was THE cutest kid.
lizzy spent her childhood enjoying oversized, high fashion accessories (such as these gaga-esque shades and large bow) and she still today can be spotted as the best dressed person in pretty much any scenario.
so happy birthday to you, my pet! such a beautiful day in NYC to celebrate!
happy weekend! i pinned this image forever ago and just finally got around to sketching her. doesn't she look like shes about to twirl and start dancing with excitement? perhaps about the impendi...
meet my two designers!
Lynn and Sharon are California-based interior designers who commissioned me to help them create their brand new website. The site showcases this lovely logo and a multitud...