you know that feeling when you discover a $20 in the pocket of a coat? like you've just won the lotto?
that is how i feel right now. i sketched this in august... AUGUST... and forgot to blog it!
free blog post! i win!
or did i blog it and i dont even remember? that is bound to happen at some point
anyway, she looks kind of eastery right? happy weekend!
Are you a fan of Happy Menocal? I am in awe of how irreverent and well... happy these watercolors are. Especially the "custom heraldry"
I was so inspired, I decided to create my own little crest...
another sumi ink sketch!
so, i've been at my parents house for an extended easter visit. and on every trip home i read the same book. its called "simple abundance" and it is a collection of 365 ...