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Article: Auld Lang Stye... that can't be right can it?


Auld Lang Stye... that can't be right can it?

Well. We made it. It's the last day of the year. It's time for champagne.

I don't remember a New Year's Eve that wasn't cloudy and cold. I love that feeling, like the whole day is just a breath away from night time. It's always a little bit melancholy and a little bit expectant. The greenery is still up but the Christmas reds are replaced with gold and silver sparkle. Is there any thing prettier than greenery and gold and the strains of auld lang stye drifting around like lost snow flakes (is that even how you spell the name of that song? does anyone really know? one of life's great mysteries... I realize how much this blog could be written by Ron Burgundy sometimes. My fact checking is spotty at best)

Anyway, as I said, I love this day. I put a lot of stock in the mystic, the superstitious, and the greater beings that inspire belief. Did you know this about me? I worship at the temple all sorts of spirits and the light shining within me honoring the light within you. Namaste.

And New Year's Eve is the perfect time for one last yoga session to really luxuriate in both spinal twists and all of my feelings about the year that is coming to a close. So many feelings! Enthusiasm and love mix with seething anger, joy and trepidation intermingle. There is much to sort through. 365 days ready to be reflected upon. So, every December 31st I take time to check in with all of my goddesses and inner spirits and take stock of the year.

Last year I believe I wrote a blog post bubbling over with blissful naiveté about how I didn't have a plan for the year ahead. Let me just check back in and let you know how that went - not my best plan. That blog post was so clearly written by the innocent novice I was pre-engagement. A woman lost at sea*. This year I am wholly new in my perspective towards whats to come. Bridal zeal has infused my outlook with unprecedented levels of enthusiasm**

After mining all these feelings and distilling for meaning, the thing that rises to the surface is gratitude. Also, determination much like what Braveheart felt with the blue face paint and the stoic facial expression...

But mainly gratitude. Gratitude that you all keep showing up, gratitude that I get to spend each year doing something I love and gratitude that you made this painting my best seller of all time.

So to thank you, I thought I'd honor that ever-popular sketch with a new version and in this one I've decided it's time to live a little. Forget the coffee date, let's move on to something a little stronger. Cheers to a new year full of gratitude... and battle-ready bravery, but mostly gratitude.

* I could have really let loose here with a lengthy sailing-themed metaphor about how I now have found true north, or that the wind is at my back, or that I have set sails for glory... but I spared you

**I must remember this feeling and harness it! Perhaps teach a motivational class about it!

***buy a print!

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