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Article: Atlantic Pacific 123


Atlantic Pacific 123

Hello! Happy Thursday. It is an amazingly beautiful spring day in DC. Made all the more beautiful by the fact that yesterday was disgustingly ugly. DC weather is a cruel mistress. Which brings me to my point (yes I'm going somewhere fashion illustration related!!) Yesterday I discovered Atlantic-Pacific which is my new favorite blog. It appears to be based in San Fran which could explain why this girl has springtime dressing down to a science - the weather in San Fran is just so awesome. I like to think if I lived somewhere with such an agreeable climate I'd be an expert at wearing blazers and shorts too. Anyway, not only is she just adorable and has the most perfectly eclectic wardrobe ever, but she is really really good at putting all of her bracelets/watches on at once. I love a good wrist jumble. here she is with what appears to be the illusive Clare Vivier oversized clutch which I ordered for myself and have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of for a month. Clare, where is my clutch!? Maybe you have to be extremely hip and west coast based to get your order shipped in a timely fashion? Here she is looking so cute in an outfit that would make me look like a crazy person. I love the scarf! and loooove the hairstyle! And here she is yet again rocking so effortlessly a look that i would look like a lunatic in. Why is it that some people just own fedoras and some people will never conquer it? I once tried one on and looked like Kid Rock. Oh and those wiggly lines are supposed to be stairs. Anyway, there you have it. Great blog, so many great outfits. I wish I had time to illustrate all of her looks! But time to get back to the stationery show planning zone.

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