Look, it's back: your favorite girl-strutting-in-stilettos pose! And not just one, but two of them!
Anyway, the inspiration for this sketch came from my afternoon musings on button downs vs sweaters and the concept of choosing one's uniform. After writing my post about my uniform I started noticing other women's uniforms. It seemed like everyone I saw was wearing either a button down or a sweater. I know I'm a sweater girl and couldn't imagine a button down being my go-to uniform and I'm sure there are women out there who feel the exact opposite. I am going to go out on a sartorial limb here and declare that there are two distinct camps of dressing that can be simply represented by the decision to button down or not to button down.
This is clearly a shocking realization which requires many years worth of examination to fully comprehend. It has led me to launch an in depth investigation into why we choose what we choose on a daily basis. I think it has something to do with the shoulder width in relation to head size.
Literally, this is what I walk around thinking about. Being a figural artist means that I am constantly trying to learn more about the human form. I'm always analyzing the way people wear their clothes, why they choose what they wear and how their bodies work in clothes.
So watch out, when we're chatting I'm really wondering about the shape of your ankles in comparison to your wrists.
Anyway, have I bored you to tears? Sometimes I should just shut up and post the art without a lengthy explanation. This might be one of those times.
So without further rambling, happy thursday!
spring time means the return of my favorite uniform piece, the trench. why is the spring trench so delightful?
because it is usually not black.
for the past few months my uniform has been over ...
I don't know about you, but I love chairs. Quite possibly my favorite furniture/design item... closely followed by architects lamps, topiary trees, free standing antlers, coffee tables. Ah I just...