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The Sketch Book

leather and camel and shoulder pads oh my!


leather and camel and shoulder pads oh my!

its jacket season which for me usually means unearthing the same old coat that i've owned for years. but this year it seems like that just wont cut it. there are so many new types of coats and ja...

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alexa chung


its pouring rain and freezing on this thursday morning, what should we do? talk about paris fashion week. or the resurfaced chilean miners....well lets start with paris.... this is alexa chung at...

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friday sketches

an illustrated reminder to strut your stuff this weekend!

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how do i look?

So... I just discovered the best blog ever: The Man Repeller It makes fun of all the things about fashion that gets taken oh-so-seriously and is refreshing and very very funny. I was crying laughi...

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inspired by dvf. so feminine and delicate. and loved the model's crazy hair... like a glamorous snooki Buy a print!

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Happy October

October is in my estimation the best month of the year. The weather is perfect for wearing fall and winter clothes without actually needing them for their warmth. You finally can put away all the t...

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apparel drawing

hold me closer tiny... model

so today i'm starting on a big project that involves lots and lots of apparel drawings. i'd never really thought about it before... how do designers get those perfectly uniform little faceless mode...

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hope everyone is surviving this soggy monday! i seem to be drawing a lot of strange crouching poses lately don't i? i found this one on Le Fashion

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NYFW... Some Favorites

You may have noticed that a recurring theme in this blog - how much I enjoy talking about how frumpy DC is and how predictable life among the frumps (as one of the frumps) can be. So, yes, I am goi...

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Some new work!

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